At a time of extreme concern about the social, material and environmental consequences of extractivism and the depletion of natural resources, various concepts, methodologies and aesthetics close to geology are proliferating in artistic practices and visual culture. In order to reach a compendium of preliminary conclusions, as well as to define rigorously such contexts and working methodologies, we invite to this meeting researchers from various fields able to define a state of the question about the relationship between visuality and geoasthetics in the era of the ecosocial crisis.
Organised by :
Martí Peran, Universitat de Barcelona, SP
Diana Padrón, Universitat de Barcelona, SP
Lecturers :
Daphne Dragona, Independent curator, GR/DE
Abelardo Gil-Fournier, Archeologie of Media and Technology, GB
Elisa Ganivet, Centre for Global Studies, CA
Jaime Vindel, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, SP
Moderator :
Bernat Lladó, Universitat autónoma de Barcelona, SP