"Aerographs", Zissis Kotionis, 2022 (Photo by Stelios Tzetzias)

"Rhonegletscher II", Thomas Wrede, 2019 (photo by Pavlos Fysakis)

"Carbon Topologies", Manifest Data Lab, 2022 (photo by Pavlos Fysakis)

"Hydromancy", "Data Dialogues", Matterlurgy, 2021-2022 (photo by Pavlos Fysakis)

"Marine Caves", "Benthic Terrazzo", Hypecomf, 2021 (photo by Pavlos Fysakis)

"Bodies X-XV", Lito Kattou, 2022 (photo by Pavlos Fysakis)

"Mycelium Garden", Matthias Fritsch, 2022 (photo by Matthias Fritsch)

"Rio Arriba", Felipe Castelblanco, 2020 (photo by Pavlos Fysakis)

Installation View: "Altepetl", Stefania Strouza, 2019, "Window View" Superflux, 2021 (photo by Pavlos Fysakis)

"To love the hibiscus, you must first love the monsoon", Paky Vlassopoulou, 2022 (photos S. Tzetzias)

"Barometer", Zissis Kotionis, 2022 (photo by Pinelopi Gerasimou)

"Click Ensemble", Coti K, 2022 (photo by Stelios Tzetzias)

"CINE-LIANA at ATTO Tower: Two Chapters", Barbara Marcel, 2020 (photo by Stelios Tzetzias)

"Making of Earths", Geocinema, 2021(photo by Stelios Tzetzias)
“Weather Engines” explores the poetics, politics, and technologies of the environment from the ground to the sky, and from soil to atmosphere.
Weather can be described as a dynamical system of wind, pressure, temperature, and humidity, which affects both human and nonhuman worlds. It changes from moment to moment and differs from place to place, while being forecasted in the attempt to control its effects. Weather observation has turned out to be part of the attempts to modify weather from experimental military projects to technological responses to mitigate climate change. The weather, though, is more than any physical fact in meteorological knowledge. It can also refer to different atmospheres which can be metaphorical or political and related to breathing and living.
The “Weather Engines” exhibition features artistic works that ask questions of weather, the environment, and technological culture. The installations, images, as well as video, sound, and sculptural works take the climate crisis as a starting point, investigating the elements that engineer our lives. Heat and cold, wind and rain are discussed in relation to different geographical and political contexts from past to present and speculative futures. Oceans, clouds, and forests are acknowledged as life-sustaining engines creating the atmosphere that we are inhabiting but also affecting. Meteorological instruments as well as natural bioindicators are the focal point of works that explore how weather phenomena are captured and studied. Other projects examine and expose the exploitation and weaponization of bad or extreme weather.
The artworks outline an environmental aesthetics that also addresses climate justice. The exhibition brings to view the conflicts in describing, experiencing, and resisting colonial weather and atmospheres. In the age of anthropogenic climate, all weather is artificial. If all weather is made, then this also means that there is still the potential to struggle for the weathers and climates we would rather want to live in.
Partcicipating artists: Kat Austen, Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan, Felipe Castelblanco, Kent Chan, Coti K., Denise Ferreira da Silva & Arjuna Neuman, DESIGN EARTH, Matthias Fritsch, Geocinema, Abelardo Gil-Fournier & Jussi Parikka, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, Hypercomf, Lito Kattou, Zissis Kotionis, Manifest Data Lab, Barbara Marcel, Matterlurgy, Petros Moris, Sybille Neumeyer, Afroditi Psarra & Audrey Briot, Susan Schuppli, Rachel Shearer & Cathy Livermore, Stefania Strouza, Superflux, Paky Vlassopoulou, Thomas Wrede