Photo: Mariana Bisti

Photo: Mariana Bisti

Theodoros Giannakis, HowGreatComplex (2021), Real time digital video, game engine, infinite loop (Photo: Mariana Bisti)

Yorgos Papafigos, Bolliasma II (2021), 3D Printed (SLA) clear resin, multicolour printing composite, stainless-steel bolts, wire, carbon fiber fixation apparatus (photo: Mariana Bisti)

Yorgos Papafigos, Bolliasma II (2021), 3D Printed (SLA) clear resin, multicolour printing composite, stainless-steel bolts, wire, carbon fiber fixation apparatus (photo: Mariana Bisti)

Eva Papamargariti, Throng (2021), HD video, color, sound, 04’20’', Prints on presto, panama and flag fabric, dimensions variable (Photo: Mariana Bisti)

Μαρία Βαρελά, In Vivo | In Vitro | In Silico (2021), Handmade textile, 45cm x 230cm
Video, 3’30’’, 1024 x 1024 (Photo: Mariana Bisti)

Theo Triantafyllidis, Radicalization Pipeline Series (2021): Chadrak the Karma Sniper (2021), Digital video on aluminum cutout, 160 x 62 cm; Boomer’s Revenge (2021), Digital video on aluminum cutout, 110 x 45 cm; Freethinker Vos Vigorous Peach, (2021), Digital video on aluminum cutout, 160 x 50 cml You're the New Slayer: Embrace Magic, Lose Touch, Lose Chaos and Rage, (2021), Digital video on aluminum cutout, 170 x 65 cm; Radicalization Pipeline, Live Simulation, 2021, ήχος Diego Navarro; Photo (Mariana Bisti)
What does a reality based more and more on artificial intelligence mean? How autonomously do evolving artificial systems operate? What kind of worlds does machine learning encourage?
The exhibition Trials & Errors explores the social and aesthetic implications of artificial intelligence.The participating artists examine, try out, and challenge artificial environments, classification systems, and ways of thinking that are being shaped by machine learning. They focus on the machine learning training process, the role of errors in their continuous optimization, and their influence on humans. Adopting a trial-and-error approach, artists challenge malfunctions, failures, and flaws as a means of understanding automation processes. Using DIY AI tools, shadowy devices, handmade datasets and personal taxonomies, they generate heterogeneous, unstable and unpredictable worlds. As artificial intelligence systems remain largely obscure and opaque, artists' explorations suggest ways to navigate and interpret them.
Artists: Theodoros Giannakis, Yorgos Papafigos, Eva Papamargariti, Theoklitos Triantafyllidis, Maria Varela
Curated by Daphne Dragona & Katerina Gkoutziouli
Exhibition Design | dragonas architecture studio
Visual Communication Design | NMR Office
Audiovisual Design | Michalis Antonopoulos, Antonis Gkatzougiannis, Makis Faros
Press & Publicity | Fotini Barka
Art Mediator | Lydia Panagou
All artworks are new commissions.
Under the auspices and with the financial support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
With the support of Bios-Romantso
Organised and produced by VEKTOR Athens