Tag ties & affective spies is a critical approach on the social media of our times. What happens when we are “tagging” , “posting” and “sharing” our experiences and opinions in platforms such as those of Facebook, YouTube, flickr or del.icio.us? Are we really connecting and interacting or are we also forming the content and the structure of the social web itself? The online works included, highlight the controversies of the web 2.0, commenting on the constant balancing between order and chaos, democracy and adhocracy, exposure and exploitation that it presents.
With works by George Holsheimer, Mirjam ter Linden, Daan Odijk, Putri Sadiqah & Raoul Siepers, Christoph Bruno, Jodi, Personal Cinema & the Erasers, Ramsay Stirling, Wayne Clements, Grégory Chatonsky, Les Liens Invisibles, Paolo Cirio, Jonathan Harris & Sep Kamvar, and texts by Alessandro Ludovico, Juan Martin Prada
Visit the online exhibition, experience the works, and read the curatorial statement and other contributions here: