from the introduction:
The title Afresh is chosen as a literal and metaphorical form bearing a double meaning: on one hand it states the beginning of these artists’ creative process and on the other it signals the approach, utilization of means, practices and notions afresh. A
common reference point of this emerging generation is that it is open to what is to come without however ignoring and overriding what has proceeded in regards to the medium, the material or the content. Under this light, traditional means such as painting, design, sculpture, architecture or performance are re-approached by many artists using new technological tools. Whether directly using technology or not, the works are developed in the context of the new conditions in artistic production formed through continuous connectivity and internet culture. Through the osmosis and the hybrid mixing of an intangible form of production and a traditional procedure, the works in this exhibition move between the creation of an intangible reality and a
tangible narrative.